Gateways-Last seen-Never seen

Hello guys,

I’ve read all related here, on Chirpstack, and on external sites as well. This is not a spam.

We just, could not migrate, installed v4.

On the “Gateways” tab at “Last seen” we got “Never seen”.

Please help me, if Brocaar you could please?, understand the situation.
The general solutions I found…

What else can go wrong?

Have you opened port 1700/UDP on Chirpstack server?

Attach a serial monitor to your node (if it has such an interface), and watch what it says.
If I have such problems, I use Arduino IDE.
I select the MCU board and port to which the node is attached and open the serial monitor.
Usually, it helps to understand what might be the cause of the problem.

Thank IoTThinks :slight_smile:

Nope. 1883/MQTT is used.

  • Direct connection to mosquitto message broker.
  • The port is open to the web, and according to the logs the gateway successfully joins.
    → On chirpstack’s web interface, the gateways do not turn active…
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Thank you Marek! @marekpow

Will do, thanks.

“Seen” gateways have nothing to do with LoRaWAN devices.
Without any LoRaWAN devices and traffic from LoRaWAN devices, the gateway can still be seen by the server.

You can check the region prefix of the MQTT in the toml file, the prefix needs the be in sync with the LoRaWAN region of the gateway.

For MQTT server, you may need to check if the MQTT client has enough permission (read/wite) to the MQTT topics.

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