GCP network server pub/sub permission Denied error


I am trying to implement ChirpStack on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). I am following this excellent guide: https://www.chirpstack.io/guides/google-cloud-platform/

I am stuck with the installation of Network Server. I am using the US915 example. I have double-checked all the steps. After replacing the pertinent fields, I receive an error message when I try to execute chirpstack-network-server. I couldn’t find any interesting result or similar case on Google.

root@us915-vm:/etc/chirpstack-network-server# chirpstack-network-server
INFO[0000] starting ChirpStack Network Server            band=US_902_    928    docs="https://www.chirpstack.io/" net_id=000000 version=3.8.1
INFO[0000] disabling all channels                       
INFO[0000] enabling channels                             channels="[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 64]"
INFO[0000] storage: setting up storage module           
INFO[0000] storage: setting up Redis connection pool    
INFO[0000] storage: connecting to PostgreSQL            
INFO[0000] storage: applying PostgreSQL data migrations 
INFO[0000] storage: PostgreSQL data migrations applied   count=0
INFO[0000] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: setting up client       
INFO[0000] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: setup downlink topic     topic=us915-gateway-commands
FATA[0000] gateway-backend setup failed: gateway/gcp_pub_sub: topic exists error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = User not authorized to perform this action. 

Hopefully somebody with more experience could help me here.

With best regards



It looks to me that it’s an issue regards account roles. Have you check this:


Hi @sophiekovalevsky

Thank you for your reply. I have checked that. It seems to be ok, (or I am doing something wrong). Please check below picture of my console.

Thank you again for your time

With best regards


Hello everyone,

After double and triple checking every step, I found (not the brightest) solution: to elevate access privileges.


I am open to better approach if anyone is willing to help.

Thank you anyway.

With best regards
