Get gateway-metrics keys error: read tcp> i/o timeout

Hello Guys,

Have anybody encountered this error?

We migrated multiple servers from v3 to v4 before and it is the first time we encounter this

ubuntu@ip-172-31-61-190:/opt/chirpstack_v4$ cd /opt/chirpstack_v4/
–as-config-file /opt/chirpstack/application/chirpstack-application-server.toml
–ns-config-file /opt/chirpstack/network/chirpstack-network-server.toml
–cs-config-file /opt/chirpstack_v4/chirpstack.toml
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Reading ChirpStack configuration file: /opt/chirpstack_v4/chirpstack.toml
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Reading AS configuration file: /opt/chirpstack/application/chirpstack-app lication-server.toml
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Start migration
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Migrating users
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Migrating organizations
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Migrating organization users
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Migrating applications
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Migrating application integrations
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Reading NS configuration file: /opt/chirpstack/network/chirpstack-network -server.toml
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Migrating region: US_902_928
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Migrating gateways
2024/09/05 13:19:22 Migrating gateway metrics
2024/09/05 13:19:34 Get gateway-metrics keys error: read tcp>