Getting US Clients to TX at rates other than DR0?

The topic says it all.
I have numerous US LoRa clients, and they all join and send their uplinks using DR0.
I have attempted to configure/enable ADR via the Service Profile.

I have set the minimum allowed data rate to 1
and the maximum allowed data rate to 4.

All clients continue to use DR0 - they never receive an ADR message.
I’m using version 3.11 of the Network Server - and as far as I can tell via the documentation, this feature should be functional.
Maybe I’m just not configuring it properly - but the documentation is sorta lacking in that area.


DR4 uses a different bandwidth (500 vs. 125 kHz). For US devices, you probably want to set a 0-3 range.

After that, the next avenue of investigation is probably on the device side with debugging. I’ve had no issue with a variety of devices negotiating up to DR3 fairly quickly.

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I tried your suggestion and my clients are now upshifting to DR3 from DR0!


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