grpc.code=NotFound grpc.method=GetActivation

Hi eveyone:
I review all the topic, but not found the solution, can you give me some suggestion?

error list:
time=“2020-07-28T17:05:04+08:00” level=info msg=“finished unary call with code NotFound” ctx_id=9069036a-87a1-4e26-854b-3633603d392d error=“rpc error: code = NotFound desc = object does not exist” grpc.code=NotFound grpc.method=GetActivation grpc.service=api.DeviceService grpc.start_time=“2020-07-28T17:05:04+08:00” grpc.time_ms=2.55 peer.address=“” span.kind=server system=grpc

best wishes!

Potentially this is not a real error. E.g. the client checks if there is an activation (of a given device). The API returns an error there isn’t, which is expected when a device has not yet been activated.

the error reporting enviroment is loraserver 3.3.0 . I reinstall the chirpstack 3.10.0.there is a miracle , the error disappeared. but i have no idea for this error!
thanks !