Heatmap LoRa network

I’m trying to have a heatmap before and after implementation of my LoRa network. What do you recommend from open source to have heatmap?


Where are you located - city, village, middle of nowhere? Do you have coverage by public LoRaWAN gateways, whose Tx/Rx data your can obtain?

Did you already excluded the following?

A link to some theory

We need to use ttnmaper on-prem, we cannot use public one.

then you’ll have to contact the maintainer || project-owner. You might have to hire him for that thou. @jpmeijers

@Mohamed.Amine I do not do on premises mapper installations anymore. It is not worth the effort. And after I have spent hours making it work exactly like the clients want, they tend not to pay the invoice.

If you want to map the data yourself, have a look at https://www.gpsvisualizer.com/

Ok, i see, if you can guide i will try to do it by myself.