I have a helium server hosted in digital ocean in chirpstack, the device ‘join request’ & 'join accept ’ is working , however the device data is not coming into the console. I am using IN865 .
Check the region configurations for helium, maybe the chripstack plan for IN865 needs updating, they dont seem to have published it on their docs site.
The last part of the guide might be relevant to your configuration:
I experienced the same, then finding out that I had this option set and thus Helium was blocking all uplinks.
flag to true
I have set this to false and the devAdr range is as dev_addr_perfixed = [“780000B8/29”]
Yet the data is not comming
In the linked documentation page, I have compiled all the steps that I had to take to setup Helium roaming. One time I had issues getting downlink data, it turned out that the hotspot only worked for uplink only (validated with a spectral scan).
If you have tried all the steps from the documentation that I linked to in my previous comment, then maybe reach out to the Helium team?