Helm Chart Chirpstack - Open Collaboration

We have been testing this deployment at work. The gateway-bridge is not documented and not tested. We have them deployed on the gateways.

Maybe someone is interested in adding or commenting on the templates. It uses MQTT for all the services.
There might be bugs so I don’t know if it will work for everyone, but suggestions and Pull Request are more than welcome :slight_smile:


nice idea!! I will follow and i will give you some comments!

Moved the charts to our work-org.

Moved the chart to it’s own separate repository

Chart can be installed from https://harbor.service.wobcom.de/chartrepo/public
See the README for more information.

Updated the helm-chart to include the latest AS/NS images.
Gateway-bridge is still not really supported.

The next release will include Dashboards for grafana.

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