How to call Flush OTAA device nonces

Hello all, is there any way to implement this button on python script??

Search for all instances of “flush”. The method is under DeviceService.

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For anyone that may need it

    # Connect without using TLS.
    channel = grpc.insecure_channel(server, options=(('grpc.enable_http_proxy', 0), ))

    # Device-queue API client.
    client = api.DeviceServiceStub(channel)

    # Define the API key meta-data.
    auth_token = [("authorization", "Bearer %s" % api_token)]

    # Construct request.
    req = api.FlushDevNoncesRequest()
    req.dev_eui = dev_eui

    _ = client.FlushDevNonces(req, metadata=auth_token)
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