How to do Join request in FSK chirpstack

Hi I’m trying to send join request via fsk to chirpstack .My gateway recieves join request from nodes and forwarding it to chirpstack but i dont see anything in chirpstack–>gateway–>LoRaWan frames. Im using custom region like EU850 and made changes in \lrwn\src\region\ file i have put data rate to 7 in both uplink and downlink datarates.(Note:- I’m using RF cables for communication.)

Have you taken a look at the logs? If you don’t see anything at the default verbosity level, have you tried increasing verbosity?

Does your gateway appear to be online in Chirpstack or does it count as being offline?

One possible area where a mistake could be made if there is really no flow of data, is that the gateway bridge isn’t using the correct MQTT topic. Have you verified (through the logs, double-checking the configuration) that Chirpstack is subsubscribing to the correct MQTT topics to interface with your gateway bridge?

Here’s the example from Chirpstack. If your custom region’s ID is “eu850”, then you should use “eu850” instead of “eu868”. The same thing goes on the gateway bridge’s end:

        # Event topic template.

        # Command topic template.
        command_topic="eu868/gateway/{{ gateway_id }}/command/{{ command }}"
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Thank you.I have changed it. it works.