How to eliminate "Code: DOWNLINK_GATEWAY Level:ERROR"?

Hi all,

I am uploading Confirmed data. However, I am getting a lot of “Code: DOWNLINK_GATEWAY Level:ERROR” and the terminal is resending with the same Fcnt because the ACK is not returning.

I want to eliminate unnecessary retransmissions.

Can you please tell me how to eliminate this error?

As a test, I incorporated the following code into “Chirpstack.toml”.
I changed the "get_downlink_data_delay=“100ms” setting from 100ms → 75ms and so on.

However, there was no improvement.

Code incorporated in "Chirpstack.toml

# Network related configuration.

# Time to wait for uplink de-duplication.
  # This is the time that ChirpStack will wait for other gateways to receive
  # the same uplink frame. Please note that this value affects the
  # roundtrip time. The total roundtrip time (which includes network latency)
  # must be less than the (first) receive-window.

  # Get downlink data delay.
  # This is the time that ChirpStack waits between forwarding data to the
  # integration(s) and reading data from the queue. A higher value means that
  # an end-application has more time to schedule a downlink queue item which
  # can be processed within the same uplink / downlink transaction.
  # Please note that this value has influence on the uplink / downlink
  # roundtrip time. Setting this value too high means ChirpStack will be
  # unable to respond to the device within its receive-window.

Best Regards,
Hiroshi Mori

  1. Seem you have some issues with downlink.
    That is why the device doesnot receive ack downlink from server.

You can send a dowlink from ChirpStack to device to confirm.

  1. You can send unconfirmed uplink instead.
    You dont need ack back. So no error.

Btw, the root problem is still there for downlink.

Please note you can expand the log by clicking on the blue log button. That will show you more details about the error.