Hi All,
I have some Kerlink iBTs connected successfully on the Chirstack LoRaWAN network.
These gateways have the FineTimestamp capability, and I have already been able to log on the gateway itself the PlainFineTimestamp.
Some of my previous topics giving more details are
here : Gateway compatibility
here : Supported gateways? <= how to log decrypted finetimestamp on iBTS
According to https://github.com/brocaar/chirpstack-api/blob/master/protobuf/gw/gw.proto, (line 213) there is a PlainFineTimestamp data value that I whant to get on the mqtt messages, but up to now, I am unable to get it.
I wonder if :
- it is possiblet to get it somewhere in the messages ?
- this message is only set to LoRaCloud ?
Note that AES keys and FPGA id values are provided when the gateway is created.
Nop Microwave.