How to set up WireGuard on ChirpStack OS 4.5.2

Hello guys,

unfortunately I am struggeling to set up WireGuard on a RAK7268V2 Gateway were I have installed the ChirpStack Gateway OS Version 4.5.2. I already have a WG-Server were I can successfully connect to it via my Mobile Device & my Windows Client… but for some reason - Firewall or other config problem I guess - I am not able to connect via the Gateway.

Steps I have tried:

  1. Setup a new Interface called: wg0
    1.1 Imported Config from my WG-Server via config File
  2. Made sure that the Timezone is set correctly on the Gateway
  3. Tried with Firewall configured and without

Firewall settings:

config zone
    option name 'vpn'                 # The zone name (e.g., vpn)
    list network 'wg0'                # The WireGuard interface (replace with your interface name)
    option input 'ACCEPT'             # Accept incoming traffic to the router on this interface
    option output 'ACCEPT'            # Allow outgoing traffic from this interface
    option forward 'REJECT'           # Optional: Prevent forwarding traffic from other interfaces by default
    option masq '1'                   # Enable masquerading (NAT)
    option mtu_fix '1'                # Enable MTU Fix to avoid fragmentation issues
config forwarding
    option src 'lan'                  # Source zone (LAN)
    option dest 'vpn'                 # Destination zone (VPN/WireGuard)
  1. Saved and Restarted the Services Firewall and Network

  2. Tried with a Rule but also no success:

config rule
   option name 'Allow-WireGuard'
   option src 'wan'
   option dest_port '51820'
   option proto 'udp'
   option target 'ACCEPT'

Currently I have no clue what to try next or what the Problem could be. Also System Logs and Kernel Logs does not really contain an error. But I guess as I am able to make a tunnel from my Mobile Device to my Windows Client I guess I have missed something.

I am grateful for any help

I have successfully set it up (through the LuCI web-interface), but what I missed in the beginning was configuring the Persistent Keep Alive (25 sec is a good value).