How to setup ChirpStack for Kubernetes/Minikube?

I have gotten ChirpStack set up on Docker, and set it up to work with the simulator (appreciate the help Mr Brocaar) but now for my organization I have to set up the yml files to work with Kubernetes/minikube, and there’s an awful time crunch.

The first breakthrough I found is a converter, Kompose, that is meant to convert the docker-compose.yml to the equivalent Kubernetes yamls. The next I set up kubectl and minikube after some battling and have managed to get as far as the minikube dashboard. The created service yamls dumped out by Kompose have been imported to the minikube dashboard just fine, so it seems nothing extra might be needed there, but I am getting errors from the deployment yamls that I do not understand.

For eg the generated "chirpstack-application-server-deployment.yaml
unable to decode “chirpstack-application-server-deployment.yaml”: no kind “Deployment” is registered for version “apps/v1”

My research till now has given me a possible solution in that version. Changing it from “apps/v1” to “apps/v1beta2” or “apps/v1beta1”, beta2 gives me exactly the same error, but beta1 gives back

error validating “chirpstack-application-server-deployment.yaml”: error validating data: couldn’t find type: v1beta1.Deployment; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false

Would you like to deploy anyway?

and a yes/no option. I assume this will fail.

Does anyone have any guidance they can give on this, or even yamls for their own localkube that I can very kindly scive? I would really, really appreciate it. But I would also appreciate any insight someone with Kubernetes knowledge can give.

Maybe this can help. My team and I are the maintainers. Feel free to open an Issue if you find a bug or is not working for you.

Thanks for the recommendation. Helm itself seemed to install just fine, but when I try to do
helm install --name my-release wobcom-public/chirpstack -n chirpstack it says that tiller cannot be found? I was not able to find much that helped on this issue. By chance would you have a solution to this?

tiller is only needed if you do helm2. Please install helm3 on your workstation and try again

Hi, I have upgraded to Helm3, the tiller error is gone, so thank you for the help in that regard. I see that when I try to apply the helm install it cannot find resources from the remote repo. Is this something you have seen before?

helm repo update
Remember to also provide a values.yaml file. Things like db addresses and broker address need to be change. I does not deploy everything for you. It wont deploy DB, Redis, MQTT, Istio or Prometheus-Operator, you need to do that yourself.