How to use a Tektelic Industrial Sensor Node (Guide)


I wanted to share with the community my take on implementing the Tektelic Industrial Sensor Node

Make sure when you receive your devices from Tektelic you also receive your keys that are associated with the device from the factory.

You will need to create a device profile for the devices. Here’s what worked for me:

  • LoRaWAN Mac Version: 1.0.3
  • LoRaWAN Revision: B
  • Max EIRP: 30


function Decode(fPort, bytes){

    var params = {
        "battery_voltage": null,
        "output_1": null,
        "output_2" : null,
        "temperature": null,
        "input_1_state": null,
        "input_2": null,
        "input_3": null,
        "input_1_count": null

    for(var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++){

        // Read Battery Voltage
        if(0x00 === bytes[i] && 0xFF === bytes[i+1]){
            params.battery_voltage = 0.01 * ((bytes[i+2] << 8) | bytes[i+3]);
            i = i+3;

        // Read Output 1
        if(0x01 === bytes[i] && 0x01 === bytes[i+1]){
            if(0x00 === bytes[i+2]) {
                params.output_1 = "open";
            } else if(0xFF === bytes[i+2]) {
                params.output_1 = "closed";
            i = i+2;

        // Read Output 2
        if(0x02 === bytes[i] && 0x01 === bytes[i+1]){
            if(0x00 === bytes[i+2]) {
                params.output_2 = "open";
            } else if(0xFF === bytes[i+2]) {
                params.output_2 = "closed";
            i = i+2;

        // Read Temperature
        if(0x03 === bytes[i] && 0x67 === bytes[i+1]){
            params.temperature = (bytes[i+2]<<24>>16 | bytes[i+3]) / 10;
            i = i+3;

        // Read Input 1 State
        if(0x05 === bytes[i] && 0x00 === bytes[i+1]){
            if(0x00 === bytes[i+2]) {
                params.input_1_state = false;
            } else if(0xFF === bytes[i+2]) {
                params.input_1_state = true;
            i = i+2;

        // Read Input 2
        if(0x06 === bytes[i] && 0x02 === bytes[i+1]){
            // 2 Bytes of data to consume

        // Read Input 3
        if(0x07 === bytes[i] && 0x02 === bytes[i+1]){
            // 2 Bytes of data to consume

        // Read Input 1 Count
        if(0x08 === bytes[i] && 0x04 === bytes[i+1]){
            // 2 Bytes of data to consume


    return params

I will be updating the decoder as I progress.

Encoder (TBA)




Hi @Coach

I also have Tektelic Industrial Transceivers. Have you managed to send any downlink configuration changes to the nodes?

I want to configure Modbus and change some of the defaults, do you have insights on this? Theres a excel provided by Tektelic to help generate the HEX config strings, although I am struggling to get the macros to work.



Further to my last message. I have been able to generate the base64 config commands to send in DL to device on fPort 100. Although I dont seem to get a response from the device, I am expecting to see responses on fPort 100 however I am only receiving application messages on fPort 10. Any advice would be greatly appreciated