HTTP Server re-transmit API requests if server is down

Hi, we have an Application Integration with an HTTP API forwarding setup. If the end point (server) is down, the HTTP API forwarding will fail. Thus, is it possible to setup a retransmission mechanisms of failed API requests?

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As far as I know, there is no replay in case of unavailable endpoint.
But it could be a nice pull request.

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Yes, it is possible to set up a retransmission mechanism for failed API requests to handle situations where the endpoint server is down. One common approach is to implement retry logic with exponential backoff, where failed requests are automatically retried after a certain delay. Another option is to use a message queuing system, where requests are enqueued and processed separately, allowing for retries when the server is available again. The specific implementation will depend on your technology stack and requirements.

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Hi @jdmcullum - I believe that this requires a custom implementation from our end, correct? There isn’t an already in-built functionality in the latest chirpstack right?

Correct, it is not implemented yet. So the best approach is to have a robust endpoint on the other side. Or use MQTT :wink:

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