I need help with my firs LoRaWAN using Kerlink GW and ChirpStack

Good afternoon! I have purchased:

Also, I have a local ChirpStack server (supose it is on mychirpstackserver.com_) already configured with a Network and Application server to receive connections from my GW.
Could you please provide me the following configuration files for my GW?

/etc/lorad/lorad.json -> The one that is referenced in /etc/default/lorad file (CONFIGURATION_FILE var).
/etc/lorafwd.toml 	  -> The one that is referenced in /etc/default/lorafwd file (CONFIGURATION_FILE var).

I got a little Arduino program running on my node to shoot some packages to my App Server through my GW, but after following the corresponding documentation I cannot get this working as expected.
So, could you please provide me a sample for the files lorad.json and lorafwd.toml, so I can compare them with my files and see what’s wrong?

Thanks a lot! Any help will be appreciated!

Edit: Here are the two files I am using right now. I think there’s something wrong with them, because from my node side I see a lot of rejected packages by timeout and sometimes because the channel is bussy.


        "SX1301_conf": {
                "lorawan_public": true,
                "clksrc": 1,
                "clksrc_desc": "radio_1 provides clock to concentrator for most devices except MultiTech. For MultiTech set to 0.",
                "antenna_gain": 0,
                "antenna_gain_desc": "antenna gain, in dBi",
                "radio_0": {
                        "enable": true,
                        "type": "SX1257",
                        "freq": 917200000,
                        "rssi_offset": -166.0,
                        "tx_enable": true,
                        "tx_freq_min": 915000000,
                        "tx_freq_max": 928000000
                "radio_1": {
                        "enable": true,
                        "type": "SX1257",
                        "freq": 917900000,
                        "rssi_offset": -166.0,
                        "tx_enable": false
                "chan_multiSF_0": {
                        "desc": "Lora MAC, 125kHz, all SF, 916.8 MHz",
                        "enable": true,
                        "radio": 0,
                        "if": -400000
                "chan_multiSF_1": {
                        "desc": "Lora MAC, 125kHz, all SF, 917.0 MHz",
                        "enable": true,
                        "radio": 0,
                        "if": -200000
                "chan_multiSF_2": {
                        "desc": "Lora MAC, 125kHz, all SF, 917.2 MHz",
                        "enable": true,
                        "radio": 0,
                        "if": 0
                "chan_multiSF_3": {
                        "desc": "Lora MAC, 125kHz, all SF, 917.4 MHz",
                        "enable": true,
                        "radio": 0,
                        "if": 200000
                "chan_multiSF_4": {
                        "desc": "Lora MAC, 125kHz, all SF, 917.6 MHz",
                        "enable": true,
                        "radio": 1,
                        "if": -300000
                "chan_multiSF_5": {
                        "desc": "Lora MAC, 125kHz, all SF, 917.8 MHz",
                        "enable": true,
                        "radio": 1,
                        "if": -100000
                "chan_multiSF_6": {
                        "desc": "Lora MAC, 125kHz, all SF, 918.0 MHz",
                        "enable": true,
                        "radio": 1,
                        "if": 100000
                "chan_multiSF_7": {
                        "desc": "Lora MAC, 125kHz, all SF, 918.2 MHz",
                        "enable": true,
                        "radio": 1,
                        "if": 300000
                "chan_Lora_std": {
                        "desc": "Lora MAC, 500kHz, SF8, 917.5 MHz",
                        "enable": true,
                        "radio": 0,
                        "if": 300000,
                        "bandwidth": 500000,
                        "spread_factor": 8
                "chan_FSK": {
                        "desc": "disabled",
                        "enable": false
                "tx_lut_0": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 0",
                        "pa_gain": 0,
                        "mix_gain": 8,
                        "rf_power": -6,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_1": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 1",
                        "pa_gain": 0,
                        "mix_gain": 10,
                        "rf_power": -3,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_2": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 2",
                        "pa_gain": 0,
                        "mix_gain": 12,
                        "rf_power": 0,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_3": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 3",
                        "pa_gain": 1,
                        "mix_gain": 8,
                        "rf_power": 3,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_4": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 4",
                        "pa_gain": 1,
                        "mix_gain": 10,
                        "rf_power": 6,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_5": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 5",
                        "pa_gain": 1,
                        "mix_gain": 12,
                        "rf_power": 10,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_6": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 6",
                        "pa_gain": 1,
                        "mix_gain": 13,
                        "rf_power": 11,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_7": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 7",
                        "pa_gain": 2,
                        "mix_gain": 9,
                        "rf_power": 12,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_8": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 8",
                        "pa_gain": 1,
                        "mix_gain": 15,
                        "rf_power": 13,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_9": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 9",
                        "pa_gain": 2,
                        "mix_gain": 10,
                        "rf_power": 14,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_10": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 10",
                        "pa_gain": 2,
                        "mix_gain": 11,
                        "rf_power": 16,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_11": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 11",
                        "pa_gain": 3,
                        "mix_gain": 9,
                        "rf_power": 20,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_12": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 12",
                        "pa_gain": 3,
                        "mix_gain": 10,
                        "rf_power": 23,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_13": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 13",
                        "pa_gain": 3,
                        "mix_gain": 11,
                        "rf_power": 25,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_14": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 14",
                        "pa_gain": 3,
                        "mix_gain": 12,
                        "rf_power": 26,
                        "dig_gain": 0
                "tx_lut_15": {
                        "desc": "TX gain table, index 15",
                        "pa_gain": 3,
                        "mix_gain": 14,
                        "rf_power": 27,
                        "dig_gain": 0
        "gateway_conf": {
                "server_address": "router.au.thethings.network",
                "serv_port_up": 1700,
                "serv_port_down": 1700,
                "servers": [ {
                        "server_address": "router.au.thethings.network",
                        "serv_port_up": 1700,
                        "serv_port_down": 1700,
                        "serv_enabled": true
                } ]



# The LoRa forwarder configuration file.
# This configuration file is formatted using the TOML v0.5.0 language:
#  https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/blob/master/versions/en/toml-v0.5.0.md

[ gateway ]

# The gateway identifier. Used to identify the gateway inside the network. This
# identifier is 64 bits long. It could be expressed in hexadecimal for better
# readability.
# Type:    integer
# Example: 1194684 or 0x123abc or 0o4435274 or 0b100100011101010111100
# Default: 0

[ filter ]

# Whether or not an uplink message with a valid CRC will be forwarded.
# Type:    boolean
# Example: false
# Default: true
#crc.valid = true

# Whether or not an uplink message with an invalid CRC will be forwarded.
# Type:    boolean
# Example: true
# Default: false
#crc.invalid = false

# Whether or not an uplink message without CRC will be forwarded.
# Type:    boolean
# Example: true
# Default: false
#crc.none = false

# Whether or not a LoRaWAN downlink will be forwarded as an uplink message.
# Type:    boolean
# Example: true
# Default: false
#lorawan.downlink = false

# If defined, only uplink messages with devaddr matching this netid will be forwarded
# Type:    string - CIDR notation
# Example: "0x24000000/7"
# Default: "" - Empty
#lorawan.netid = "0x24000000/7"

[ database ]

# Whether or not a persistent database will store the incoming messages until
# they will be sent and acknowledged.
# Type:    boolean
# Example: true
# Default: false
#enable = true

# The maximum number of messages allowed to be stored in the database. When
# full the newest message will replace the oldest one.
# Type:    integer
# Example: 20000
# Default: 200
#limit.messages = 200

# The minimum delay between two database fetch. To allow incoming messages
# to be aggregated before to be sent.
# Type:    integer (in milliseconds)
# Example: 1000
# Default: 100
#delay.cooldown = 1000

[ gwmp ]

# The internet host where the gateway should connect. The node can be either a
# fully qualified domain name or an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).
# Type:    string
# Example: "myhost.example.com" or "" or "2001:db8::1234"
# Default: "localhost"

#Descomentar y activar segun corresponda JOSE
node = "chirpstack.usinatandil.com.ar"
#node = "thethings.meshed.com.au"

# The GWMP services can be a service name (see services(5)) or an integer and,
# in this case, refers to a network port.

# The service where the gateway should push uplink messages.
# Type:    string or integer
# Example: "https" or 1234
# Default: 0
service.uplink = 1700

# The service where the gateway should pull downlink messages.
# Type:    string or integer
# Example: "https" or 1234
# Default: 0
service.downlink = 1700

# The heartbeat period. Used to keep the firewall open.
# Type:    integer (in seconds)
# Example: 30
# Default: 10
#period.heartbeat = 10

# The statistics period. Used to send statistics.
# Type:    integer (in seconds)
# Example: 10
# Default: 30
#period.statistics = 30

# The number of timed out messages which will automatically trigger a network
# socket restart. Used to monitor the connection.
# Type:    boolean or integer (false = 0 = disabled) (true = 10)
# Example: 3
# Default: true
#autorestart = false

# The maximum datagram size for uplink messages. The datagram includes the GWMP
# header and payload.
# Type:    integer
# Example: 50000
# Default: 20000
#limit.datagram = 65507

# The endpoint to control the LoRa daemon. Used to request statistics.
# Type:    string
# Example: "tcp://localhost:3333"
# Default: "ipc:///var/run/lora/lorad"
#lorad.control = "ipc:///var/run/lora/lorad"

[ api ]

# The API use ZeroMQ as transport layer. More informations about ZeroMQ
# endpoints format can be found here:
# http://api.zeromq.org/4-2:zmq-connect

# The endpoints for the uplink channel. Used to receive uplink messages.
# Type:    string or array of strings
# Example: "tcp://localhost:1111"
# Default: "ipc:///var/run/lora/uplink"
#uplink = [ "ipc:///var/run/lora/uplink", "tcp://localhost:1111" ]

# The endpoints for the downlink channel. Used to send downlink messages.
# Type:    string or array of strings
# Example: "tcp://localhost:2222"
# Default: "ipc:///var/run/lora/downlink"
#downlink = [ "ipc:///var/run/lora/downlink", "tcp://localhost:2222" ]

# The endpoints for the control channel. Used to receive control request.
# Type:    string or array of strings
# Example: "tcp://eth0:4444"
# Default: "ipc:///var/run/lora/lorafwd"
#control = [ "ipc:///var/run/lora/lorafwd", "tcp://eth0:4444" ]

# The filters for the uplink channel. Used to subscribe to uplink messages.
# The filters can handle raw binary (by using unicode) or keywords. The special
# empty filter ("") subscribe to all incoming messages.
# Keywords are case-insensitive and are one of these:
# - "lora"
# - "gfsk" or "fsk"
# - "event" (for ease of use, lorafwd always subscribe to event messages)
# Type:    string or array of strings
# Example: [ "\u000A", "keyword" ]
# Default: ""
#filters = [ "lora", "gfsk" ]

Thanks again!