Ic880a gateway and SODAQ one, trouble with OTAA


First of all - i’m quite new to LoraWAN and have very limited experience.

I’ve gotten my hands on a SODAQ One device and have loaded the universal tracker software on it.
I’ve also received a ic880a pcb and have linked that to a raspberry pi. I’ve used the poly_pkt_fwd on the raspberry pi. I’ve been able to link this all to TTN, so i know things work.

I’ve now installed chirpstack as i’d like to run that. I’m however unable to join the SODAQ to the application server.
I can see a JoinRequest coming in, and i can see from the journal logs that this is correctly being processed:

Mar 06 23:15:10 chirpstack chirpstack-application-server[513]: time="2020-03-06T23:15:10Z" level=info msg="backend/joinserver: request received" message_type=JoinReq receiver_id=afcf212497d56f49 sender_id=000000 transaction_id=2477320445 Mar 06 23:15:10 chirpstack chirpstack-application-server[513]: time="2020-03-06T23:15:10Z" level=info msg="device-keys updated" ctx_id="<nil>" dev_eui=0004a30b00eb5e28 Mar 06 23:15:10 chirpstack chirpstack-application-server[513]: time="2020-03-06T23:15:10Z" level=info msg="backend/joinserver: sending response" message_type=JoinAns receiver_id=000000 result_code=Success sender_id=afcf212497d56f49 transaction_id=2477320445

However, on the SODAQ i simply get a ‘denied’ when it tries to join the network over OTAA. I do see the activation tab on the device changing, as that now has some data.

Initially, i thought this had to do with date/times, as the poly_pkt_fwd prints a message like so:
INFO: [down] a packet will be sent on timestamp value 654752268

I’ve therefore changed the lgwhal library to always send immediate even if the packet is set to a timestamp. I can also see the binary data from the debug of that.

How do i troubleshoot this further? I keep on seeing the JoinRequest and i keep on seeing the success message.
The log of poly_pkt_fwd looks like this:
INFO: [up] PUSH_ACK for server localhost received in 0 ms INFO: [down] for server localhost PULL_ACK received in 0 ms INFO: [down] for server localhost PULL_ACK received in 0 ms lgw_receive:1197: FIFO content: 2 3d 1 7 17 lgw_receive:1212: [0 17] Note: LoRa packet lgw_receive:1197: FIFO content: 1 64 1 5 17 lgw_receive:1212: [1 17] Note: LoRa packet INFO: [up] PUSH_ACK for server localhost received in 0 ms INFO: [down] for server localhost serv_addr[ic]PULL_RESP received :) INFO: [down] a packet will be sent on timestamp value 715745180 INFO: Downstream Packet RF power to - 14 dBm lgw_send:1619: INFO: txmode: 1 INFO: [down] for server localhost PULL_ACK received in 0 ms lgw_receive:1197: FIFO content: 1 8b 1 7 14 lgw_receive:1212: [6 17] Note: LoRa packet

I’d really appreciate some help!


I’ve managed to resolve this issue!

Turned out, the sodaq device is actually not lorawan 1.1!
It works fine with 1.0.3

I did have to patch the sodaq universal tracker as it didn’t allow 0’s in the appeui. Pull request made :slight_smile: