Inactive gateways but there are data

Good day everyone,

Just like to know how to fixed this issue using ChirpstackV4.3. Suddenly, all my gateways went to Inactive in the metrics/dashboard but when I check them on the Gateway tab, they are all online.
Does anyone have the idea how to fix this?

Hey @oyet!
This can be an issue with the settings of the gateway intervals.
If you set the gateway interval to 20 seconds in Chirpstack and your gateway sends stats every 60 seconds, 2/3 of the time, you will see the gateway in red in the dashboard.
Hope this helps,


Hi @Jerome73 , good day. I have the dashboard running well before this happened. I haven’t touched any config settings to cause this. Is this related to redis db?
Thank you.

– Update:
Hi @Jerome73, i found the cause. The date and time of my server was out-of-sync.

That explains, because the pie diagram data is aggregated by the server, the online / offline in the table is based on the date&time provided by the browser.

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