InfluxDB 2 integration

Hello guys ,
i tried to integrate influxdb2 with my application , i entered the org name , bucket name , token and Api as http://localhost:8086/api/v2/write but it didn’t work !
should i come go for influxdb 1 with telegraf or what ?
i got this error :slightly_frowning_face:

integration error" ctx_id=48698c9c-1550-4da3-9468-fd3db7c72fb0 error=“sending measurements error: expected 2xx response, got: 400 ({“code”:“invalid”,“message”:“unable to parse ‘device_frmpayload_data_Distance is,application_name=ultrasonic,dev_eui=70b3d53260001561,device_name=mk002_
application_name=ultrasonic,dev_eui=70b3d53260001561,device_name=mk002_module,f_port=2 value=\“187\”’: invalid field format”})” integration="*influxdb.Integration"

thanks in advance !

Solved ! i changed “Distance is” with “mydata” , everything works fine ! i shouldn’t put space in the variable name so that influxdb can receive it and store it without a problem

Hi @Iheb_omar_Soula i tried the same setup and nothing is coming to my application server nor logs in the application server related to influxDB 2.0, can you elaborate more about your setup.

Thanks a lot.