Integration with MQTT

Hello there,

I am new to LoraWAN and Chirpstack, so sorry for any stupid questions, but I don’t get it.

I have a Dragino Gateway and two raspberry servers (on one of them I am running my homeautomation software based on FHEM) and on the other I am running Chirpstack in a docker container.

I have tried to run Chirpstack also on the first server but I could not get it set up - on the second server Chirpstack started immediately .

So I have created an application in Chirpstack and added a device (a LHT52 temperature sensor). After I added a javascript function as codec I could see the temperature data under events.

Now I’d like to send those data to the first server via MQTT. What do I have to do to accomplish this? Currently I do not see any topics published from this device.

I tried to subsribe with mosquitto_sub from the same server, but did not get anything apart from PINGREQ and PINGRESP, but no data from my device.

So I changed the address for the mqtt-server to, but now I am getting an error that the mqtt connection could not be established (os error 111).

What do I have to do to publish my sensor data to localhost and eventually to the first server where my homeautomation system is running?

Thanks for reading and helping me,


problem is resolved and can be closed.