Good evening!
Im trying to setup an integration from ChirpStack v4 to ThingSpeak and I get a “Last Entry 1 minute ago” after each packet is sent but with no data and when I export the data I find that it has succesfully posted data into the channel but the fields are not there.
*2024-06-11T01:30:48+02:00,28, *
*2024-06-11T01:31:03+02:00,29, *
*2024-06-11T01:31:42+02:00,30, *
Last commas should show the fields among other things but are empty
This is how I built the integration:
In the http integration fields:
Payload Encoding: JSON
Event Endpoint URL:
THINGSPEAKAPIKEY : xxxxxx(hidden but correct)
content-type: application/json
And in the payload decoder functions;
function decodeUplink(input) {
return {
data: {
field1: ((input.bytes[0]<<8 | input.bytes[1]) & 0x3FFF)/1000,
field2: input.bytes[2]<<8 | input.bytes[3]
warnings: [],
errors: []
What may I have missed so the payload fields are not posted?
Thanks in advance!