Hello @brocaar,
First of all, thank you for introducing this amazing feature!
I am currently setting up a LoRa Mesh Gateway following the documentation, but I seem to be missing something. I have two gateways, both equipped with SX1302 concentrators and running ChirpStack Gateway OS with the IN868 region profile. Both function correctly as standalone LoRa gateways.
Now, I want to enable Mesh Networking with:
- Border Gateway
- Relay Gateway
I have followed the official documentation: ChirpStack Gateway Mesh, but my Relay Gateway does not appear in the Mesh network.
Current Configuration Summary
1. Border Gateway Configuration
Mesh Enabled (under ChirpStack → Gateway Mesh).
Mesh Configuration:
- Role: Border Gateway.
- Ignore Direct Uplinks: Enabled.
- Signing Key: All 1s (
). - Backend: Configured as Single Slot Gateway.
ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder:
- Slot 1: Disabled.
- Mesh Tab → Global Configuration: Enabled.
2. Relay Gateway Configuration
Mesh Enabled (under ChirpStack → Gateway Mesh).
Mesh Configuration:
- Role: Relay Gateway.
- Signing Key: All 1s (matching Border Gateway).
- Backend: Configured as Single Slot Gateway.
ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder:
- Slot 1: Disabled.
- Mesh Tab → Global Configuration: Disabled.
Additionally, I set the Mesh region to IN868.