It is possible of chirpstack let sensor to send join request?

Hi, folks, just want to confirm that it is possible of chirpstack let sensor to send join request?

In my case, I have some sensor always join lora network at regular intervals and we have not this design on sensor side. Gateway and chirpstack server on the customer side, so i can not see the more message from there.

Thanks any help.Remind me if i missed something.

The chirpstack seems like is use chirpstack v3. and we’re using lorawan 1.0.3.

Devices are the only ones who can send join requests. That’s how LoRaWAN works.

I’m not sure exactly what you mean here, but I would caution against re-joining every time the device wakes up. I’ve seen this occasionally in firmware, and you risk running into dev nonce collision/exhaustion, depending on version.