For three days I’ve been trying to get otaa lorawan to work with a Mikrotik wAP lr8 gateway and LILYGO T-Beam v 1.2, but I am getting the same problem over and over. I’ve tried multiple diffrent loraWan libraies on the t-beam.
The problem I am facing is that the t-beam is not recieving the join-accept.
In the mikrotik traffic console I can see both the join request and also the join accept.
As you can see in the picture of the mikrotik console above, the join-accept is sent the same second as the join-request. Shouldn’t there be a 5 seconds delay? Is there a setting in chirpstack for that?
My theory is that the join-accept timing is wrong. And that the t-beam isn’t lilstning for the accept when the accept is sent.
If I can provide any more information that might make it easier for anybody to help me just let me know.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I guess that “Time” isn’t the time of transmission. To transmit a message via RX1 or RX2, the downlink request is sent to the gateway and is programmed for transmission. Transmission is made at a specific time (according to the gateway’s internal clock), and is not done when the request is received.
On the other hand, the gateway transmits immediately for Class C-styled downlinks, which is not applicable to the join procedure.
I’d also assume timing is not the issue here. Are you certain all of your device ↔ server frequencies match? Are you using eu868? As that is the frequency of the join-accept.
If it’s not that, maybe it’s a misconfiguration of the device profile.
Please try running RadioLib’s LoRaWAN examples first as a stand-alone sketch. That way you can confirm that the fundamentals of the mapper sketch work (as it uses RadioLib at its core).
Thanks for the replies I just order a usb to lora dongle to hopefully help me debug it even more. @Liam_Philipp I am very sure, but will dubbelcheck.
As @bns said I will create a stand-alone, just fundamentals sketch to eliminate all other variables.
Will get back in a few days when I’ve got time to test it