Join with 1.1.0 device

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to join with a 1.1.0 device but I have some issues MIC verification in the JOIN ACCEPT response. As you can see from the screens that I have attached, I receive a MIC (highlighted in red) which is different from the one calculated by the device (highlighted in green). For this reason, the JOIN ACCEPT is discarded and the node repeats the JOIN REQUEST after a preset time.

I am using the following software versions:

  • App server: 3.8.0
  • Net server: 3.7.0
  • LoRaWAN Stack ST: 1.3.1 (I-CUBE-LRWAN)

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Hi! i’ve the same problem unfortunately! Is there any fix to this?

I have tested LoRaWAN 1.1.0 succesfully against the Semtech LoRaMAC stack. Are you sure your stck implements this errata:


i-cube-lrwan is based on LoRaMac-node release 4.4.2 which only supports 1.0.3 LoRaWAN specification.




  • Implements LoRa Mac 4.4.2 from Semtech/StackForce

In case you would like to test 1.1.1 specification you may use

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Thanks for the this! We solved the problem!

Hello, my program is based on I-CUBE-LRWAN and I want to update the lorawan libraries to support v1.1.0 and FUOTA, could you share which resources you used to made the upgrade? Ty