Json objects for FSK downlink


I’m trying to send bulk FSK downlink messages to a node via gateway but I don’t know the json names of the FSK properties (eg. datarate, freq.deviation, etc).

For LoRa bulk downlink I can send data and it works:


But don’t know the loRaModulationInfo array equivalent for FSK nor the properties.

Also I checked the API source code (https://github.com/brocaar/chirpstack-api/blob/master/protobuf/gw/gw.proto) and it seems there are no names for the FSK json???

oneof modulation_info {
    // LoRa modulation information.
    LoRaModulationInfo lora_modulation_info = 8 [json_name = "loRaModulationInfo"];

    // FSK modulation information.
    FSKModulationInfo fsk_modulation_info = 9;

I would appreciate any help on this.


just found the solution with some try&error and some guessing on the API docs!
