Hello Chirpstack Community,
We have a Kerlink Wirnet iStation 868 LoRa gateway and we are currently having issues to configure self-signed TLS/SSL certificates with the Basics Station implementation and Chirpstack 4.8.1.
I did the following:
Upgraded the Kerlink Gateway FW to v5.11.0 (shipped with v4.3.3)
I downloaded and installed the Basic Station implementation from here
I followed the instructions from the Kerlink Wiki page to configure the Basic Station to communicate with Chirpstack
The first step was to just verify communication with Chirpstack in LNS mode without any certificates, which worked fine (gateway online in Chirpstack)
Thereafter I generated self-signed certificates and redeployed Chirpstack (using the Chirpstack Gateway-Bridge)
I then updated the configuration on the Kerlink Gateway itself, but seems as though the certificates are rejected on the Gateway during handshaking
- I see this error on the Chirpstack Gateway Bridge:
2024/06/03 13:13:13 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
- I see this error on the Chirpstack Gateway Bridge:
The self-signed certificates work with other LoRa gateways (RAK and Mikrotik), so it seems to be an issue on the Kerlink gateway
I also used the following Curl command on the Kerlink Gateway, which worked:
$ curl -v --cacert tc.trust --cert tc.crt --key tc.key --insecure
Does anyone have an idea of what the issue might be?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,