Hi, I’ve been working on a project utilizing a SenseCAP gateway and sensors with a few others. We’re using Linux Ubuntu but none of us have experience with it, so its made software setup slightly difficult.
Currently, we’re attempting to install the ChirpStack software using the steps from this website: Quickstart Debian or Ubuntu - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN<sup>®</sup> Network Server
At the step for installation of the ChirpStack network server, the following code is returning an error:
sudo journalctl -f -n 100 -u chirpstack-network-server
Here is an attached image of the error:
When it pings the PostgreSQL database, it gets an error with password authentication failure. I should probably note that I’m on a college wifi network, which likely has some type of security or firewall. Perhaps this is messing with something. Does anyone have any recommendations or solutions to get past this?
Thank you.