Local chirpstack configuration (Chirpstack installed in host machine)

Hello, Team.

We’ve successfully followed the Docker Compose setup guide and uploaded all sensor dumps from our local environment to the Chirpstack Docker container. However, we’re encountering an issue where the Docker sensor is not reporting any data.

Once the dump was transferred, the chirpstack gui contained all the sensor data, but the activation data was missing. And we have confirmed that the dump contains all of the activation data.

We already have over 300 active sensors, so it’s difficult to manually reset each of them.As a result, we are looking for recommendations on other approaches for obtaining sensor information without using a reset process.

Specifically, we attempted this procedure with Dragino sensors, but unfortunately, the sensors failed to report. Kindly let us know how to resolve this issue.

I’ve attached all of the screenshots of sensor data that we received after uploading the dump.

As part of your move, is your new instance running 4.7, and have you run the command to transfer activation data into PostgreSQL? See the release notes.

Thank you for the quick response.

We are using version 3, and we have added the dump by following the steps provided in the link below.