I know it’s very simple, but I’m unable to log in to the raspberry terminal. What is the username and password?
The default pi and raspberry password don’t work
nor admin and admin password
In version 3 I can access without problem
What I want is to use the sudo gateway-config command but it tells me command not found.
Could you help me please, I’m stuck on the first step of the initial configuration.
Excuse my ignorance, I don’t know if it’s a very basic question.
But because he doesn’t tell me that command not found, when I run Sudo Confi-gateway or Sudo raspi-config
What is the cause? I have no idea what the problem is.
I am not sure what you are trying to do. I have never heard of sudo gateway-config before, you say you were using it in V3? Maybe I am just unfamiliar with the SSH commands but are you just trying to see the configuration or actually configure it?
Have you tried these commands:
uci show chirpstack-concentratord
uci show chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder
uci show chirpstack-udp-forwarder
# Only for Full images
uci show chirpstack
Hmm, thats a strange link. If you click a different a different tab on the left and then click back to it it will instead bring you to the page I linked. If I have to guess this is a remnant of something that is no longer supported.
To confirm I tried sudo gateway-config on my own CS OS device and it also failed. The new way to configure CS OS through SSH is to use the UCI commands. You could also just go digging through your PI and adjust the files yourself, I’ve done this before.
I’d recommend reading through this guide, I don’t have much knowledge on this myself but from the guide it looks like you would want to configure the files in /etc/config/network and /etc/config/wireless.