And all work for only two uplinks ended from that device. Next uplinks have problems:
90s041:VDDA= 254
90s045:TX on freq 868300000 Hz at DR 5
90s120:MAC txDone
91s103:RX_1 on freq 868300000 Hz at DR 5
91s149:MAC rxTimeOut
92s154:RX_2 on freq 869525000 Hz at DR 0
92s352:MAC rxTimeOut.
From the point of view of the ChirpStack application server, it looks the following:
Thank you very much, so I will change STATIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS to 0.
But, looking into serial output when it has answers without timeouts. How to build a message to send VDDA and temp?
And why, after gateway responses only two times with UnconfirmedDataDown and after that, gateway responses with timeouts.
It could be that the two UnconfirmedDataDown are mac-commands (e.g. ADR) and after two downlinks, there is nothing more to send. As the device doesn’t receive any data on RX1 and RX2, it will show the timeout. Which is more to inform you that there wasn’t any data rather than that there was an error. This is just my assumption.