LoRa gateway bridge connection with Laird rg186


I am trying to connect Laird 186 with Chirpstack.

I have installed gateway bridge on mu Linux server - the udp bind by default is, and there is a problem - what should I set up on Laird as a Semtech forwarder? My internet gateway ip and open UDP port on router NAT ? Or I need to set up any other fixed IP as udp_bind and if I could get any help with that would be great.


> Jan 23 10:32:48 lora systemd[1]: Stopped ChirpStack Gateway Bridge.
> Jan 23 10:32:48 lora systemd[1]: Started ChirpStack Gateway Bridge.
> Jan 23 10:32:48 lora chirpstack-gateway-bridge[20462]: time="2020-01-23T10:32:48Z" level=info msg="starting ChirpStack Gateway Bridge" docs="https://www.chirpstack.io/gateway-bridge/" version=3.6.0
> Jan 23 10:32:48 lora chirpstack-gateway-bridge[20462]: time="2020-01-23T10:32:48Z" level=info msg="backend/semtechudp: starting gateway udp listener" addr=""
> Jan 23 10:32:48 lora chirpstack-gateway-bridge[20462]: time="2020-01-23T10:32:48Z" level=info msg="integration/mqtt: connected to mqtt broker"

Hey, I got a similar problem, did you find any solution?

The network architecture is like this:
Gateway ---GWMP--> [GWB + NS]
Whereby the [] is Chirpstack with the GateWay Bridge (GWB) and Network Server (NS) components. The GateWay Management Protocol (GWMP) is the protocol that the UDP packet forwarder uses.

So, you should enter the IP address/hostname of your server which hosts the Gateway Bridge, into your LoRa Gateway’s packet forwarder. If there are firewalls/routers between the GWB and your LoRa gateway, you may need to do some configuration to ensure that UDP hole-punching can work.