Lora Gateway Bridge - Kerlink iBTS Compact

Dear All,

I´m configuring a new Kerlink iBTS Compact Gateway to comunicate with our Loraserver.io

First of all, is this gateway compatible with loraserver.io running on the following relases?

• LoRaserver Version: 2.0.2
• LoRa-App-Server Version: 2.0.1
• LoRa-Gateway-Bridge Version: 2.4.1

I´m trying to following the procedure that found inside the loraserver.io website (https://www.loraserver.io/lora-gateway-bridge/install/gateway/kerlink/). It Works in the Wirnet Station Gateway but for the iBTS it is not working, specially because the gateway is not allowing creating all the folder path that is needed:

root@klk-lpbs-062D5A:/user/packets # mkdir -p /mnt/fsuser-1/lora-gateway-bridge/bin
mkdir: can’t create directory ‘/mnt/’: Read-only file system

Is there any procedure in order to install Lora Gateway Bridge inside Kerlkin iBTS? How can we proceed?

Pietro Zuchinali

Those are the specifications of our Kerlink iBTS Gateway:

  1. Firmware Update: “sw_version”: “3.4.5_20180822165349”
  2. FPGA Update: “fpga_swver”: “61”,
  3. Packet Forwarder: v5.1.0-klk4

@brocaar Could you please help us out?

Please allow us some time to respond, this is a community support forum and you can’t expect people to respond within a couple of hours.

Please see the changelog for LoRa Gateway Bridge: https://www.loraserver.io/lora-gateway-bridge/overview/changelog/.

I don’t have installation documentation yet for the iBTS, but it should be possible to install the LoRa Gateway Bridge on the gateway itself :slight_smile:

Hello @brocaar. Sorry for rushing up the process. It was not my intention at all.

Thank you for your reply. I will take a look on this documentation and let you know.

Keep up with the outstanding work here!

Best Regards

Hello @brocaar. I did major advances on this configuration and now I´m kind of stuck on this possible simple problem, but I didnt figure out yet how to solve. Hope you can help me out one more time. If everything goes right we can even work on some documentation regardind Kerlink iBTS lora-gateway-bridge configuration.

Here what I have right now:

  1. lora-gateway-bridge is installed and apparently communicating with the Semtech Packet Forwarder.

  1. My start.sh script is pointing out to my mqtt brocker using authentication (it was already working on the Wirnet Station version):

LOGGER=“logger -p local1.notice”

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 1883 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 1883 -j ACCEPT

/user/lora_gateway_bridge/bin/lora-gateway-bridge --mqtt-username XXXX–mqtt-password YYYY–mqtt-server tcp:// 2>&1 | $LOGGER &

  1. The problem is that when the gateway tries do connect with my MQTT Brocker I receive the following message:

INFO[0517] backend: connecting to mqtt broker server=“tcp://”
ERRO[0517] could not setup mqtt backend, retry in 2 seconds: Network Error : dial tcp connect: connection refused
INFO[0519] backend: TLS config is empty

If I try a telnet connection to the server using port 1883 I received a connection refused as well. My loraserver.io is already working well with the Kerlink Wirnet Station, so I dont believe the problem inside it.

Here we have the network configuration on both sides (gateway and loraserver.io)


root@klk-lpbs-062D5A:/user/lora_gateway_bridge # iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT udp – anywhere anywhere udp spt:1700
ACCEPT udp – anywhere anywhere udp spt:domain
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp spt:domain flags:!FIN,SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
ACCEPT all – anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp spt:1883
ACCEPT udp – anywhere anywhere udp spt:1883
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp spt:ssh flags:!FIN,SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh
ACCEPT udp – anywhere anywhere udp spt:ntp
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp spt:http flags:!FIN,SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp spt:https flags:!FIN,SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
ACCEPT icmp – anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp flags:RST/RST
ACCEPT udp – anywhere anywhere udp spts:bootps:bootpc dpts:bootps:bootpc
REJECT tcp – anywhere anywhere reject-with tcp-reset
REJECT all – anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp spt:1883

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT udp – anywhere anywhere udp dpt:1700
ACCEPT udp – anywhere anywhere udp dpt:domain
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:domain
ACCEPT all – anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp spt:1883
ACCEPT udp – anywhere anywhere udp spt:1883
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp spt:ssh
ACCEPT udp – anywhere anywhere udp dpt:ntp
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:http
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:https
ACCEPT icmp – anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp flags:RST/RST
REJECT tcp – anywhere anywhere reject-with tcp-reset
REJECT all – anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp spt:1883


[root@lorawan-ns-3 log]# netstat -na | grep 1883
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 :::1883 :::* LISTEN

I’ve just added documentation for installing the LoRa Gateway Bridge on the iBTS gateway: https://www.loraserver.io/lora-gateway-bridge/install/gateway/kerlink/#kerlink-ibts.