LoRa mesh gateway or repeater gateway

Hi all,

For remote region where cellular connectivity is not available and due to battery constraint it is not possible to increase end device power.

Can i convert my existing lora gateway to receive data from node and transmit it at high power so that it can be received to lorawan gateway with backhaul connectivity?

Can we make some changes in existing packet forwarder to transmit data again on lora instead of sending it to UDP?

Lalit Shah

Hi Lalit;
As far as I’ve seen, LoRa cannot be repeated directly as you are describing and would add a significant amount of complexity. I would set up a point to point microwave/WiFi link in this scenario. I’ve shot 60km or more on low cost, point to point microwave links.

Hi Clay,

Yes in case of LoRa Mesh there would be complexity but if we go for micorwave it won’t be cost effective.

What about 5G WiFi, would we able to get good LOS range in that case?

So repeater gateway can be a combination of both LoRa + 5G WiFi?

Lalit Shah

Long range WiFi/Microwave works and is cheap: airMAX LiteBeam AC 5 GHz Long-Range Station – Ubiquiti Inc. $109 USD X 2. 30+km range.

5G typically addresses high bandwidth applications at the expense of distance so likely not the best option.

This depends less on regulatory strictness of your geographic area than on your ingenuity - is 800 km sufficient?

Keep in mind that you don’t trample anyone ELSE using same spectrum, if you look into some less legit offerings.

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