Hi, we are using the Feather M0 US Region 900 LoRa module to send data to a RAK7258 Gateway. We are able to receive an uplink on the TTN server, but are not receiving a downlink on the module:
000000532701: doWork job started
000000532717: Preparing to send payload
Payload value: 2
000000532745: Packet queued
000000532777: Event: EV_TXSTART
000000869486: Event: EV_TXCOMPLETE
Up: 1, Down: 1
Downlink received
RSSI: -11 dBm, SNR: 7.2 dB
Port: 0
000000900126: Event: EV_TXSTART
000001281895: Event: EV_TXCOMPLETE
Up: 2, Down: 1
000004282702: doWork job started
000004282713: Preparing to send payload
Payload value: 2
000004282746: Packet queued
000004282777: Event: EV_TXSTART
000004664222: Event: EV_TXCOMPLETE
Up: 3, Down: 1
The settings on the uplink message is:
“settings”: {
“data_rate”: {
“lora”: {
“bandwidth”: 125000,
“spreading_factor”: 10,
“coding_rate”: “4/5”
The RSSI and SNR is also:
rssi": -17,
“channel_rssi”: -17,
“snr”: 11.8,
Would appreciate any advice on where to start debugging and what possible issues there may be.
Thank you for your help!