LoRa packet-Forwarder doesn't start

Any opinion about this?

any updates?
I’m also interesting to know about this.

Permission denied while executing (sudo) ./IC880A-SPI-reset.sh…any opinion?

I placed it in Desktop of RPI 3 and tried to executed it,as i mentioned, before running packet forwarder.

A post was split to a new topic: RAK 831 on Intel Edison board

Hello @brocaar! If you know about it or you issued anything like this.

I have installed in RPi 3 lora-gateway-bridge and lora-packet-forwarder.
I also created a bash-script which, resets IC880A concentrator firstly and run packet-forwarder secondly.
As you mentioned above:

2.2.2 Preparing the Reset Pin Control

Also this note could be related to your issue:

The power pins (21, 22) have to be connected to a power source that is able to provide more than 700 mA. Therefore it is recommended to choose a proper power supply that is able to supply the iC880A-SPI and the host system (e.g. Raspberry PI) at the same time.

My issue is, that sometimes packet forwarder needs 2 or 3 efforts to start (after reseting IC880A of course),so as sometimes can’t execute bash script which has to auto run these.

May has to do with power supply (connection between RPi and IC880a made using SPI)?
Or anything else?

Thanks in advance,

Actually, it could be a RPi 3 issue. I had the same issue with a RisingHF shield on a RPi 3, it required a couple of attempts to get it up and running. Please see: https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/issues/2094.

This was something I too struggled with a lot. I realised after setting up the SPI pins correctly, the RESET PIN on the IMST was the cure. Without using any software approach, try to connect that pin to GNG and VCC and GND again. This should solve the problem.

After conforming if that indeed was the issue, write a python script to do the same. Its GPIO manipulation using Python.

I am confirm that IMST Gateway runs off RPI power completely fine if you power the Rpi with an external Power back with sufficient current. Say, more than 3A.

1 Like

Now, without reason can’t start lora-packet-forwarder on my seeeduino gateway (RPI 3-RHF0M301 [concentrator] - RHF4T002 [bridge] )

I restart infinity times lora-packet-forwarder but always the same : " Execution failed | Does not exist "

The “Does not exist” might give you a hint :wink:

Honestly, no … Since everything is properly connected. I relaunch the configuration of the contractor and so always … when it used to work

Process ‘loraserver’
status OK
monitoring status Monitored
monitoring mode active
on reboot start
pid 303
parent pid 1
uid 0
effective uid 0
gid 0
uptime 1h 12m
threads 15
children 0
cpu 0.3%
cpu total 0.3%
memory 1.5% [14.2 MB]
memory total 1.5% [14.2 MB]
security attribute -
disk read 0 B/s [12.7 MB total]
data collected Wed, 13 Feb 2019 16:01:46

Process ‘lora-packet-forwarder’
status Initializing
monitoring status Initializing
monitoring mode active
on reboot start
data collected Wed, 13 Feb 2019 16:01:16

Process ‘lora-gateway-bridge’
status OK
monitoring status Monitored
monitoring mode active
on reboot start
pid 278
parent pid 1
uid 0
effective uid 0
gid 0
uptime 1h 11m
threads 10
children 0
cpu 0.0%
cpu total 0.0%
memory 0.8% [7.1 MB]
memory total 0.8% [7.1 MB]
security attribute -
disk read 0 B/s [7.0 MB total]
data collected Wed, 13 Feb 2019 16:01:16

Process ‘lora-app-server’
status OK
monitoring status Monitored
monitoring mode active
on reboot start
pid 273
parent pid 1
uid 0
effective uid 0
gid 0
uptime 1h 11m
threads 15
children 0
cpu 0.3%
cpu total 0.3%
memory 1.9% [17.4 MB]
memory total 1.9% [17.4 MB]
security attribute -
disk read 0 B/s [15.1 MB total]
data collected Wed, 13 Feb 2019 16:01:16

System ‘raspberrypi3’
status OK
monitoring status Monitored
monitoring mode active
on reboot start
load average [0.29] [0.20] [0.12]
cpu 1.2%us 0.4%sy 0.3%wa
memory usage 44.1 MB [4.8%]
swap usage 0 B [0.0%]
uptime 1h 12m
boot time Wed, 13 Feb 2019 14:48:56
data collected Wed, 13 Feb 2019 16:01:16

I also have this issue with the new gateway os image.
Where can i find the start.sh file? I want to update the file in order to restart the concentrator.

do anybody have a solution for that problem? same issue (power adapter 3A for both raspberry3 and ic880a). connection fine. full ready to go image. headache :wink:

any solution? I’ve got a raspberry 3 B+ but it moves form initializing to “Execution failed | Does not exist”…

following link works for me: reset spi -> reset pin to gnd, to 5v, to gnd -> waiting a while and success :smile:

1 Like

Having the same issue. Using the Rak831 devkit. The Rak GW OS works fine and was able to get it connected with LoraServer. I would like to have a GW with a bridge and MQTT for secure communications so getting the LoraServer base image working is preferred. In my case I don’t believe it is pin related but I am looking for any ideas. Also, looking to to set the timezone and would like to get apt running too.


Typically you need a distinct script to drive the reset pin GPIO before running the packet forwarder.

Also, some Linux versions have an odd behavior where if you try to export an already exported GPIO, you end up unexporting it! I had to make mine check first.

# Reset iC880a PIN
while [ ! -e /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN ]
    echo trying to export GPIO "$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN" 
    echo "$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN"  > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN/direction  
echo "0"   > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN/value 
sleep 0.1  
echo "1"   > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN/value 
sleep 0.1  
echo "0"   > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN/value

One some hardware it’s okay to release the GPIO and/or let it be an input again, on other hardware that will not lead to reliable operation.

Thanks. In my case I´ve got errors:
trying to export GPIO gpio22$
/home/admin/reset_packetForwarder.sh: line 7: echo: write error: Invalid argument

I am not a linux export. I do not see the problem here?
while [ ! -e /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN ]
echo trying to export GPIO “$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN”
echo “$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN” > /sys/class/gpio/export

Use just the pin number with no prefix, ie in your case apparently


And of course this needs to run as root or similarly privileged.

thanks! Now the privileges are the problem. I am using the raspberry pi image and I don´t now the root user password. I checked documentation but only find admin user stuff.
I guess that I am able to create a new root user only with root user permission (and admin should be not root).
thanks a lot!

It’s fairly common now in modern linuxes (and even unixes) not to allow direct login as root, but rather to have a user on the “sudoers” list who is allowed to run single commands as root prefixed with “sudo” or to get a root shell by running “sudo -s”. Most pi distributions I’ve seen work this way and the default user would be on the sudoers list.