LoRa packet-Forwarder doesn't start

Thanks. In my case I´ve got errors:
trying to export GPIO gpio22$
/home/admin/reset_packetForwarder.sh: line 7: echo: write error: Invalid argument

I am not a linux export. I do not see the problem here?
while [ ! -e /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN ]
echo trying to export GPIO “$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN”
echo “$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN” > /sys/class/gpio/export

Use just the pin number with no prefix, ie in your case apparently


And of course this needs to run as root or similarly privileged.

thanks! Now the privileges are the problem. I am using the raspberry pi image and I don´t now the root user password. I checked documentation but only find admin user stuff.
I guess that I am able to create a new root user only with root user permission (and admin should be not root).
thanks a lot!

It’s fairly common now in modern linuxes (and even unixes) not to allow direct login as root, but rather to have a user on the “sudoers” list who is allowed to run single commands as root prefixed with “sudo” or to get a root shell by running “sudo -s”. Most pi distributions I’ve seen work this way and the default user would be on the sudoers list.

Thanks a lot for your support!
I think the script works now. admin user is the right one. I typed the line in console and got no errors. the package forwarder works not!
So I also used the hardware solution (pin 13 on gnd, vcc, gnd).

I have the same issue of not being able to start the packet-forwarder when using the iC880A.

Nov  8 10:03:48 raspberrypi3 user.info monit[427]: 'lora-packet-forwarder' start: '/etc/init.d/lora-packet-forwarder start'
Nov  8 10:04:19 raspberrypi3 user.err monit[427]: 'lora-packet-forwarder' failed to start (exit status 0) -- '/etc/init.d/lora-packet-forwarder start': Starting lora-packet-forwarder
Nov  8 10:04:29 raspberrypi3 user.err monit[427]: 'lora-packet-forwarder' process is not running
Nov  8 10:04:29 raspberrypi3 user.info monit[427]: 'lora-packet-forwarder' trying to restart

So I can install a script and have the reset done before starting the packet-forwarder. However is it not easier to have this included in the gateway-config? In the gateway-config you actually setup the lora concentrator shield and also indicate what RESET PIN in configured?

Above question is solved // I had the RPi PIN number and GPIO PIN number mixed up (oops)

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Ayer me funcionó con total normalidad y hoy no puedo iniciar lora-packet-forwarder. He reiniciado también infinitas veces pero siempre me aparece “Ejecución fallida | no existe”, y la verdad que no me da ninguna pista porque no creo que haya cambiado nada de ayer a hoy. :frowning:


Please keep the conversation in English so everybody can understand :slight_smile:

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