LoRa server WebUI authentication Issue


I am running gateway bridge, Lora server and App server on ARM based Linux Board.
I have connected the Linux board with PC(Windows 10,64Bit).

PC ip address :
Board ip address :

I tried to open the LoRa server WebUI using below mentioned url in Mozilla browser(Ver 57.0.1 - 64 Bit)

I am getting the the login window and

tried to login using user name “admin” and password “admin”

But I am not entering into next page.

How can I identify the error.

I have checked the database and able to find the relations in loraserver_ns and loraserver_as.
Relations in db for reference
G18M:~$ psql -h localhost -U loraserver_as -W loraserver_as
Password for user loraserver_as:
psql (9.6.6)
Type “help” for help.

loraserver_as=> \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | application | table | loraserver_as
public | application_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | application_user | table | loraserver_as
public | application_user_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | device | table | loraserver_as
public | device_activation | table | loraserver_as
public | device_activation_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | device_keys | table | loraserver_as
public | device_profile | table | loraserver_as
public | device_queue | table | loraserver_as
public | device_queue_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | downlink_queue | table | loraserver_as
public | downlink_queue_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | gateway | table | loraserver_as
public | gateway_ping | table | loraserver_as
public | gateway_ping_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | gateway_ping_rx | table | loraserver_as
public | gateway_ping_rx_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | gorp_migrations | table | loraserver_as
public | integration | table | loraserver_as
public | integration_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | network_server | table | loraserver_as
public | network_server_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | node | table | loraserver_as
public | organization | table | loraserver_as
public | organization_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | organization_user | table | loraserver_as
public | organization_user_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
public | service_profile | table | loraserver_as
public | user | table | loraserver_as
public | user_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as
(31 rows)

loraserver_as=> \q
G18M:~$ psql -h localhost -U loraserver_ns -W loraserver_ns
Password for user loraserver_ns:
psql (9.6.6)
Type “help” for help.

loraserver_ns=> \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | channel_configuration | table | loraserver_ns
public | channel_configuration_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_ns
public | device | table | loraserver_ns
public | device_activation | table | loraserver_ns
public | device_activation_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_ns
public | device_profile | table | loraserver_ns
public | extra_channel | table | loraserver_ns
public | extra_channel_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_ns
public | frame_log | table | loraserver_ns
public | frame_log_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_ns
public | gateway | table | loraserver_ns
public | gateway_stats | table | loraserver_ns
public | gateway_stats_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_ns
public | gorp_migrations | table | loraserver_ns
public | routing_profile | table | loraserver_ns
public | service_profile | table | loraserver_ns
(16 rows)

You could debug the login issue by checking the requests that your browser made. When you don’t see anything after clicking the LOGIN button, then it looks like your browser is doing nothing.

Yeah.I too feel so. My Linux board is with 512MB RAM.I doubt on that now. So I am checking with Linux board with 1GB RAM support.


WebUI Authentication issue is not happening in 1GB RAM supported board.
We can consider this thread as closed.