
  1. I have (MicroChip-RN2483-LoraMote) and I want to sent Temperature & Light data and for this I need code.
  2. I have (nFuse PoE enabled Rpi 3B + LoraWAN Gateway) and I want to receive LoraMote data Temperature & Light at Gateway end.
  3. Also I want to receive Temperature & Light data on Local Host (UDP Received) and decode it on display Temperature & Light and also want to send this data through (UDP Send) to TTN.

I am new and kindly guide me each and everything if anything is unclear kindly let me know. Thanks in advance.

pkt_fwd --> multiplexer --> GW-Bridge --> chirpstack-network-server  
                        --> TTN

I want to do below task, Can somebody guide me from very beginning I am new in this field.

  1. Send UDP packets (either my java or by the Lora gateway) to localhost (and also from Laptop to RPi or vice versa)|
  2. Receive UDP packets both by my java-tool and by java-script

Thanks in advance.