LoRaServer can’t received message in LoRaWAN Frames

Hi All;

I have a result of test with LoRaServer built-in RAK831. Now I can’t read uplink. I would to show a step below. I think the application not decode from End-node and Live LoRaWAN FRAMES nothing.

Thank you,
Best regards.

As from the image-1, devAddr is 00e84c80 and from the last image the uplink isn’t from the same device. There may be a possibility that the device and gateway are using different frequencies, that is why the uplinks are not shown in the LIVE LORAWAN FRAMES.

You first check on the packet forwarder logs on your gateway, whether it is receiving from the device or not.

Hi @Yash_Pahwa

 I will check it. I think the problem  from gateway. The gateway not send data to LoRaServer.

Thank you,
Best regards.

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