LoraWan Multitech Node Red <> Libelium Plug and Sense

Hi Have anyone use this setup before

@Cobus I have tried that without node-red.

I wanted to share what I did in case it might be of some use to you. Make sure your libelium plug and play complies with lora.

  1. Change the multitech to packet forwarder.

  2. On multitech “LoraWan -> network setting” change the server address and port number according to this lora server.

  3. On lora-app-server, configure your gateway.

  4. Then on the lora-app-server , you need to configure your libelium device using the deveui, devaddr ,appkey, NwkSKey , AppSKey if it is in ABP mode else use deveui and appkey in OTAA mode.

You should be being the live lorawan frames for the device.
