Lost Activation - what does this now mean?

i have a simple network:
1x Gateway → Forwards messages to my chirpstack v4
90x Zenner water meters (1.0.2 devices)

First, i manually triggered a join to my network by unsticking the optical sensor. A join happens and i documented the network and application session key.

Now, some time later, i wanted to extend my lorawan gateways to 3 gateways.
And i noticed that i did not get any messages from some devices. I noticed that chirpstack tolds me now “This device has not (yet) been activated.” what is not true because they were activated.

Is that because chirpstack did not receive data from some older devices and therefore the ttl time is running out?

What means this situation to me now?

As i said i have the keys from otaa activation documented.
A rejoin is not (simple) possible. Because the devices do i only once when first activated.

Can that be a - simple - solution:
-) Set the TTL time higher (in rollout/testing phase) for future
-) Now delete the not activated devices (prior OTAA activated devices), add the devices again as new ABP devices with the already generated application and session keys?


For alle interessted → yes it does work.

I used a second device profile with ABP.

Than i changed the profile from the device and toggled disable frame counter.

In activation tab i added the documented device address / network session and application session key.

I was now able to receive data again.

Problem solved.

I would be prefered to set the TTL Time within GUI. Therefore i would have think about this configuration option.

After Chirpstack v4.7, the keys will be stored in Postgres DB and will not be expired.

In older version, you may imcrease the TTL to years or more in the toml files.

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Thx for your information. Good to know.

Hi Christopher, i am running into the same problem, upgraded to v 4.7 and zenner watermeters are not able to connect (other sensors not a problem)
so to my understanding you have created new device profile with ABP activation - what RX delay, freq, data rate, offset have you set?


RX1 delay = 0
RX1 data-rate offset = 0
RX2 data-rate = 3
RX2 frequency (Hz) = 869525000

i used.

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