Now I’m trying to test the downlink via the MESH topology(one hop).
Chirpstack Version:
chirpstack-concentratord: 4.4.2
chirpstack-gateway-mesh: 4.0.0
chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder: 4.3.1
chirpstack: 4.9.0
Sensor )))) Relay Gateway ------- Border Gateway ----ChirpStack LNS
*Border Gateway in the shielding box
Currently I use the ABP node with the RX Delay=5 to trigger the downlink process.
I always got the “Handle mesh event error: Tx Ack error: TOO_EARLY” error message.
Relay Mesh Gateway(chirpstack_gateway_mesh)
2024-09-10T03:03:43.902Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Frame received - [uplink_id: 3248944407, freq: 905900000, rssi: -105, snr: 3.75, mod: [LORA - sf: 10, bw: 125000]]
2024-09-10T03:03:43.902Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::mesh] Relaying uplink LoRa frame, uplink_id: 3248944407, downlink_id: 2896982683, mesh_packet: [Uplink hop_count: 1, uplink_id: 13, relay_id: 7de9e607, mic: 625c598a]
2024-09-10T03:03:43.902Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Sending mesh frame - [downlink_id: 2896982683 - [freq: 905700000, power: 20, mod: [LORA - sf: 7, bw: 125000], timing: [IMMEDIATELY]]]
2024-09-10T03:03:43.903Z DEBUG [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Sending command to socket, command: down, payload: 189be5b1e50a2a3f0a23e000d06903127de9e60740090924208004008803d5c19dd92b2f3207c202a0625c598a1a1808a0c5efaf0310141a0a1a0808c8d0071007280132020a00
2024-09-10T03:03:43.903Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Enqueue acknowledged, downlink_id: 2896982683
2024-09-10T03:03:50.518Z DEBUG [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Discarding proprietary uplink, uplink_id: 1524477267
2024-09-10T03:03:50.519Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Mesh frame received - [uplink_id: 1524477267, freq: 906100000, rssi: -37, snr: 11, mod: [LORA - sf: 7, bw: 125000]]
2024-09-10T03:03:50.519Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::mesh] Unwrapping relayed downlink, downlink_id: 1818922278, mesh_packet: [Downlink hop_count: 1, uplink_id: 13, relay_id: 7de9e607, mic: e5d77fa7]
2024-09-10T03:03:50.519Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Sending downlink frame - [downlink_id: 1818922278 - [freq: 924500000, power: 21, mod: [LORA - sf: 10, bw: 500000], timing: [DELAY: 5]]
2024-09-10T03:03:50.520Z DEBUG [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Sending command to socket, command: down, payload: 18a69aaae3062a3e0a1660090924208a010003300400710330ff0011ff02a64c1a2408a080ebb80310151a0c1a0a08a0c21e100a20012801320612040a0208053a04466a68ec3a1030303030346362613764653965363037
2024-09-10T03:03:50.522Z ERROR [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Handle mesh event error: Tx Ack error: TOO_EARLY
Relay Mesh Gateway(chirpstack_concentratord)
2024-09-10T03:03:43.902Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::wrapper] Could not get GPS time, uplink_id: 3248944407, error: gps_ref_valid = false
2024-09-10T03:03:43.902Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::wrapper] Could not get GPS epoch, uplink_id: 3248944407, error: gps_ref_valid = false
2024-09-10T03:03:43.902Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::handler::uplink] Frame received, uplink_id: 3248944407, count_us: 1181378796, freq: 905900000, bw: 125000, mod: LoRa, dr: SF10
2024-09-10T03:03:43.903Z INFO [libconcentratord::jitqueue] Enqueueing immediate packet, downlink_id: 2896982683, current_counter_us: 1181390410
2024-09-10T03:03:43.903Z DEBUG [libconcentratord::jitqueue] Packet enqueued, downlink_id: 2896982683, count_us: 1182390410
INFO: tx_start_delay=1493 (1493.562500) - (1497, bw_delay=1.500000, notch_delay=1.937500)
2024-09-10T03:03:44.871Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::handler::jit] Scheduled packet for TX, downlink_id: 2896982683, count_us: 1182390410, freq: 905700000, bw: 125000, mod: LoRa, dr: SF7
2024-09-10T03:03:50.517Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::wrapper] Could not get GPS time, uplink_id: 1524477267, error: gps_ref_valid = false
2024-09-10T03:03:50.517Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::wrapper] Could not get GPS epoch, uplink_id: 1524477267, error: gps_ref_valid = false
2024-09-10T03:03:50.517Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::handler::uplink] Frame received, uplink_id: 1524477267, count_us: 1187997083, freq: 906100000, bw: 125000, mod: LoRa, dr: SF7
2024-09-10T03:03:50.521Z INFO [libconcentratord::jitqueue] Enqueueing timestamped packet, downlink_id: 1818922278, counter_us: 1186378796, current_counter_us: 1188008032
2024-09-10T03:03:50.521Z WARN [libconcentratord::jitqueue] Too early to enqueue packet, downlink_id: 1818922278, counter_us: 1186378796, current_counter_us: 1188008032
Is there any way to avoid the “TOO_EARLY” status?