I’m testing the chirpstack gateway mesh feature.
chirpstack-concentratord: 4.4.2
chirpstack-gateway-mesh: 4.0.0
chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder: 4.3.1
chirpstack: 4.9.0
The “Relay Gateway” forwarded the lora packet to the “Border Gateway”.
But I always got this error:
ERROR chirpstack::uplink: Deduplication error error=Unexpected m_type: Proprietary
There is the same problem with the “heartbeat packet” flow.
Sensor )))) Relay Gateway ------- Border Gateway ----ChirpStack LNS
*Border Gateway in the shielding box
Relay Gateway
2024-09-05T10:24:06.326Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::handler::uplink] Frame received, uplink_id: 2192469580, count_us: 1592415915, freq: 905900000, bw: 125000, mod: LoRa, dr: SF7
2024-09-05T10:24:06.329Z INFO [libconcentratord::jitqueue] Enqueueing immediate packet, downlink_id: 512758761, current_counter_us: 1592429304
2024-09-05T10:24:06.329Z DEBUG [libconcentratord::jitqueue] Packet enqueued, downlink_id: 512758761, count_us: 1593429304
2024-09-05T10:24:06.402Z INFO [libconcentratord::events] Publishing stats event, rx_received: 4, rx_received_ok: 4, tx_received: 3, tx_emitted: 3
INFO: tx_start_delay=1493 (1493.562500) - (1497, bw_delay=1.500000, notch_delay=1.937500)
2024-09-05T10:24:07.297Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::handler::jit] Scheduled packet for TX, downlink_id: 512758761, count_us: 1593429304, freq: 905900000, bw: 125000, mod: LoRa, dr: SF7
2024-09-05T10:24:06.327Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Frame received - [uplink_id: 2192469580, freq: 905900000, rssi: -114, snr: -8.75, mod: [LORA - sf: 7, bw: 125000]]
2024-09-05T10:24:06.327Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::mesh] Relaying uplink LoRa frame, uplink_id: 2192469580, downlink_id: 512758761, mesh_packet: [Uplink hop_count: 1, uplink_id: 20, relay_id: 7de9e607, mic: 752deded]
2024-09-05T10:24:06.328Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Sending mesh frame - [downlink_id: 512758761 - [freq: 905900000, power: 20, mod: [LORA - sf: 7, bw: 125000], timing: [IMMEDIATELY]]]
2024-09-05T10:24:06.328Z DEBUG [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Sending command to socket, command: down, payload: 18e9a7c0f4012a3f0a23e001437238127de9e607400509242080630088cc9f68562ea9fc2b9ef70652752deded1a1808e0dffbaf0310141a0a1a0808c8d0071007280132020a00
2024-09-05T10:24:06.329Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Enqueue acknowledged, downlink_id: 512758761
Border Gateway
2024-09-05T10:24:07.412Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::wrapper] Could not get GPS time, uplink_id: 1964933799, error: gps_ref_valid = false
2024-09-05T10:24:07.412Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::wrapper] Could not get GPS epoch, uplink_id: 1964933799, error: gps_ref_valid = false
2024-09-05T10:24:07.412Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1301::handler::uplink] Frame received, uplink_id: 1964933799, count_us: 3477185771, freq: 905900000, bw: 125000, mod: LoRa, dr: SF7
2024-09-05T10:24:07.413Z DEBUG [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Discarding proprietary uplink, uplink_id: 1964933799
2024-09-05T10:24:07.413Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::backend] Mesh frame received - [uplink_id: 1964933799, freq: 905900000, rssi: 6, snr: 7.5, mod: [LORA - sf: 7, bw: 125000]]
2024-09-05T10:24:07.413Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::mesh] Unwrapping relayed uplink, uplink_id: 1964933799, mesh_packet: [Uplink hop_count: 1, uplink_id: 20, relay_id: 7de9e607, mic: 752deded]
2024-09-05T10:24:07.413Z INFO [chirpstack_gateway_mesh::proxy] Sending uplink event - [uplink_id: 1964933799, freq: 905900000, rssi: -114, snr: -8, mod: [LORA - sf: 7, bw: 125000]]
2024-09-05T10:24:07.413Z INFO [chirpstack_mqtt_forwarder::backend::concentratord] Received uplink frame, uplink_id: 1964933799
2024-09-05T10:24:07.413Z INFO [chirpstack_mqtt_forwarder::mqtt] Sending uplink event, uplink_id: 1964933799, topic: us915_2/gateway/00004cba7dca58ea/event/up
ChirpStack LNS
Sep 05 18:24:07 HotspotV113F3 chirpstack[19768]: 2024-09-05T10:24:07.424892Z INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_id="us915_2" topic=us915_2/gateway/00004cba7dca58ea/event/up qos=AtMostOnce json=true
Sep 05 18:24:07 HotspotV113F3 chirpstack[19768]: 2024-09-05T10:24:07.634825Z INFO up{deduplication_id=477adc6d-d30b-44d9-8209-6a12f9928525}: chirpstack::uplink: Uplink received m_type=Proprietary
Sep 05 18:24:07 HotspotV113F3 chirpstack[19768]: 2024-09-05T10:24:07.646351Z ERROR chirpstack::uplink: Deduplication error error=Unexpected m_type: Proprietary
May I know how to check the chirpstack mesh status?