Missing DeviceTimeAns

Does anybody know what I’m doing wrong, I’m not getting the DeviceTimeAns from CS. It worked fine when I use US915 but now with EU868, including a different GW, I’m not getting the time-sync response.

Example packet: QEECYQMDFgAgAg0BDOv9bkR0ZTG81Ww=

Message Type = Data
PHYPayload = 404102610303160020020D010CEBFD6E44746531BCD56C

( PHYPayload = MHDR[1] | MACPayload[…] | MIC[4] )
MHDR = 40
MACPayload = 4102610303160020020D010CEBFD6E447465
MIC = 31BCD56C (from packet)
= 31BCD56C (expected, assuming 32 bits frame counter with MSB 0000)

( MACPayload = FHDR | FPort | FRMPayload )
FHDR = 4102610303160020020D
FPort = 01
FRMPayload = 0CEBFD6E447465 (from packet, encrypted)
= 991F09FFFFFFFF (decrypted)

  ( FHDR = DevAddr[4] | FCtrl[1] | FCnt[2] | FOpts[0..15] )
 DevAddr = 03610241 (Big Endian)
   FCtrl = 03
    FCnt = 0016 (Big Endian)
   FOpts = 20020D

Message Type = Unconfirmed Data Up
Direction = up
FCnt = 22 (from packet, 16 bits)
= 22 (32 bits, assuming MSB 0x0000)
FCtrl.ACK = false
FCtrl.ADR = false

The device joins successfully and sends about 3 regular uplinks and then the 4th uplink would have the “MOTE_MAC_DEVICE_TIME_REQ” attached in addition to some regular payload data.

Below is the config.json:

        "board_freq_band": "EU868",
        "en_listen_before_talk": false,
            "chip_enable": true,
            "chan_multiSF_0": {"chan_rx_freq": 868100000, "spread_factor": "7-12" },
            "chan_multiSF_1": {"chan_rx_freq": 868300000, "spread_factor": "7-12" },
            "chan_multiSF_2": {"chan_rx_freq": 868500000, "spread_factor": "7-12" },
            "chan_multiSF_3": {"chan_rx_freq": 867100000, "spread_factor": "7-12" },
            "chan_multiSF_4": {"chan_rx_freq": 867300000, "spread_factor": "7-12" },
            "chan_multiSF_5": {"chan_rx_freq": 867500000, "spread_factor": "7-12" },
            "chan_multiSF_6": {"chan_rx_freq": 867700000, "spread_factor": "7-12" },
            "chan_multiSF_7": {"chan_rx_freq": 867900000, "spread_factor": "7-12" },
            "chan_LoRa_std" : {"chan_rx_freq": 868300000, "bandwidth": 250000, "spread_factor": 8 },
            "chan_FSK"      : {"chan_rx_freq": 868700000, "bandwidth": 250000, "bit_rate": 100000 }
    "gateway_conf": {
        "server_address": "",
        "serv_port_up": 1700,
        "serv_port_down": 1700,

        "//network": "Adjust the following parameters for your network",
        "keepalive_interval": 10,
        "stat_interval": 30,
        "push_timeout_ms": 100,
        "forward_crc_valid": true,
        "forward_crc_error": false,
        "forward_crc_disabled": false,

        "//beacon": "Below are beaconing parameters",
        "//period": "To enable beacon, change the beacon_period to 128",
        "beacon_period": 0,
        "beacon_freq_hz": 869525000,
        "beacon_freq_nb": 0,
        "beacon_freq_step": 0,
        "//datarate": "From legacy Semtech, this is actually spreading factor",
        "beacon_datarate": 9,
        "beacon_bw_hz": 125000,
        "//power": "Only for this freq, for other freqs, restrict to 14dBm",
        "beacon_power": 27,
        "beacon_infodesc": 0,

        "//time": "To report utc timestamp in packet forwarder, change the following to 1",
        "use_utc_timestamp": 0,

        "//tmms": "To disable the GPS timestamp in packet forwarder, change the following to 0",
        "use_gps_timestamp": 1

Below is the chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml:

# This configuration provides a Semtech UDP packet-forwarder backend and
# integrates with a MQTT broker. Many options and defaults have been omitted
# for simplicity.
# See https://www.chirpstack.io/gateway-bridge/install/config/ for a full
# configuration example and documentation.

# debug=5, info=4, warning=3, error=2, fatal=1, panic=0

# Log to syslog.
# When set to true, log messages are being written to syslog.

# Gateway backend configuration.
# Backend type.

  # Semtech UDP packet-forwarder backend.

  # ip:port to bind the UDP listener to
  # Example: to listen on port 1700 for all network interfaces.
  # This is the listener to which the packet-forwarder forwards its data
  # so make sure the 'serv_port_up' and 'serv_port_down' from your
  # packet-forwarder matches this port.
  udp_bind = ""

# Integration configuration.
# Payload marshaler.
# This defines how the MQTT payloads are encoded. Valid options are:
# * protobuf:  Protobuf encoding
# * json:      JSON encoding (easier for debugging, but less compact than 'protobuf')

  # MQTT integration configuration.
  # Event topic template.
  event_topic_template="gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}"

  # Command topic template.
  command_topic_template="gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/command/#"

  # MQTT authentication.
  # Type defines the MQTT authentication type to use.
  # Set this to the name of one of the sections below.

    # Generic MQTT authentication.
    # MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)

    # Connect with the given username (optional)

    # Connect with the given password (optional)

Device profile:

Hey thanks for the help everyone!
It turned out the MAC command was disabled from the CS side. I only spent about 2 entire days fiddling around with the device FW trying to get it to work. Sadly I’m done with this forum because this was the 3rd time I asked for help and the 3rd time I got no replies. If anyone wants to reply now, don’t bother because I won’t see it.

I’m sorry if nobody was able to help you, but please note that this is a community forum and people are providing support in their free time. You can not expect that people respond within a day or two.