MQTT (Mosquitto) configuration issues


I installed loraserver,lora-gateway-bridge,mosquitto mosquitto-clients redis-server redis-tools postgresql on a raspberry pi.
But MQTT connect refused,does anyone has the same error.And how to resolve it.
All the config file,I made them same as in the ubuntu,but in the ubuntu loraserver and MQTT can works well.
Thank you.
The MQTT version is older than it installed in the ubuntu.I used “sudo apt-get install”.
If I want install the newly version like it in the ubuntu,what way can I do it?
Thank you.

The information you have supplied is not enough to be able to help you, you need to be more specific. Which component is not able to connect to mosquitto? Is it lora-gateway-bridge? Or loraserver? Or lora-app-server? Please attach the logs obtained from the component that is not able to connect to the MQTT Broker.


Thank you.
I will upload the mosquitto log,the loraserver log,and the lora-gateway-bridge log.



Thank you.


This is I restart loraserver.

@niushaolong It seems that your Mosquitto Broker is not starting due to a problem with a file (“Error: Unable to open pwfile…”). By the way, did you create the “/etc/mosquitto/pwd” file as it is explained in the LoRaServer project documentation? If yes, then the problem is related to Mosquitto and not the LoRa Server Project.

(I’ve renamed the topic as this is not Raspberry Pi specific and captures more issues with setting up Mosquitto)

Hello, @niushaolong

Could you please check if your port 1883 is opened?
Also make sure you set up Redis DB properly, try to reinstall it.

Thanks you