MQTT server connection refused (unsupported certificate)

Hello, I’m trying to set the MQTT TLS with mosquitto, I’ve generated the self signed certs with the guide and followed the steps: Mosquitto TLS configuration - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server documentation
First of all I did configure it with tcp and username/password and it worked. I could receive data and be shown in the node-RED. The problem started when I tried to configure the TLS. I’ve done it in a couple of ways and none seemed to work.
I’m always getting this errors when checking the logs:

" level=error msg=“[client] Connecting to ssl://mosquitto:8883 CONNACK was not CONN_ACCEPTED, but rather Connection Error” module=mqtt
dragino-2752ce docker-compose[700]: chirpstack-gateway-bridge-basicstation_1 | time=“2024-07-15T08:04:22.921989606Z” level=error msg=“[client] Failed to connect to a broker” module=mqtt
dragino-2752ce docker-compose[700]: chirpstack-gateway-bridge-basicstation_1 | time=“2024-07-15T08:04:22.92225178Z” level=error msg=“integration /mqtt: connection error” error=“network Error : remote error: tls: unsupported certificate”

Any help would be nice or a hint to know what I might be doing wrong. Thank you in advance.

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