Hi, I have a Multiconnect conduit gateway already working with the lora server. I have created an application in the “lora server app” and i can add devices, also i can see received data in the “live device data” and “live lorawan frames” tabs of the “application/devices” option in the server. So everything is working just fine.
But there´s a problem I can´t solve, I have two gateways profiles, both were created with channels 0-7 but now I want to change one gateway profile to be in the channel plan from 8 to 15 (second sub band), nevertheless i can´t do it. Obviously I have also changed the channels in my devices (lora nodes rn2903). There´s an strange behavior in the MultiConnect Conduit as i can´t see the log file “/var/log/lora-gateway-bridge/lora-gateway-bridge.log”, also i can´t see nothing in the MQTT topics using these commands:
- List item mosquitto_sub -v -t gateway/+/rx
- List item mosquitto_sub -v -t gateway/+/config
Nevertheless I know the packet forwarding is working because i can see the data in the lora server app. There another fact, I also have a Rapsberry Pi 3 with a RAK831 Gateway running and it´s working perfectly, I have another aplication in the lora server app configured for this gateway. The Raspberry Pi let me run the command “journalctl -f -n 100 -u lora-gateway-bridge” (I can´t run this command on conduit because systemctrl and journal are not installed on Multiconnect), the output of this command shows me a warning message about the configuration, it says: “configuration was not applied, gateway is not configured for managed configuration”.
Also, I know the lora server is sending the configurations to the gateways becouse when i run “mosquitto_sub -v -t gateway/+/config” I get this output:
gateway/00800000a0001a6e/config {“mac”:“00800000a0001a6e”,“version”:“2018-09-21T01:53:25.891747Z”,“channels”:[{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:903900000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:904100000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:904300000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:904500000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:904700000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:904900000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:905100000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:905300000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]}]} gateway/b827ebfffe2db98e/config {“mac”:“b827ebfffe2db98e”,“version”:“2018-09-20T17:16:23.226271Z”,“channels”:[{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:902300000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:902500000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:902700000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:902900000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:903100000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:903300000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:903500000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:903700000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10]}]}
The gateway 00800000a0001a6e (Multitech) is trying to be configured in the second sub band and the gateway b827ebfffe2db98e (RAK831) is trying to be configured in the first sub band.
My first clue is that maybe mosquitto need a more advanced configuration. I´m not sure about it. If mosquitto has to be configurated in each gateway and has to be configurated in the loraserver host, how can i do it? Can you show me an example?. If mosquitto is not the problem, then what is going on?
Thanks in advance.