Multitech Macro Conduit 2.1

Hi, i Recently “Took over”
2 - MultiTech Macro Conduit V2.1. and 2 Multitech Pico MTCAP moving from Actility to Chirpstack.

These where flashed with mLinux 6.3 commissioning firmware.

MTCAP works fine but the Macro does not and i’m a bit lost.

Trying to start the packet forwarder on the Macro’s results in:

+++ Start of packet forwarder for ‘SX1301 array’ concentrator +++
Version string: 5.1.0-r4
SX1301 array library version string: 5.1.0
ERROR: opening SPI failed, returned -1

and doing ls -l /dev/sp* clearly shows nothing unlike on the mtcap.

I also tried the forwarder usb pkg but that also resulted in:
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

As these are in i high tower quite far away i have not seen the hardware and not yet received the full specs.

Do you guys have any idea on how i would communicate ? Or how i can find out what concentrator i have as it seems not to be sx1301 in these…

The v2.1 is a geolocation gateway. MPower 5.3.5 or earlier may work. MPower 6 0 and later will not work.

The gateway has two sx1301 and an FPGA with special firmware for fine-timestamping.

These gateways are replaced by the Sx1303 MTAC-003 supporting geolocation.